Jobubu Jarum Minahasa

Produsen Minuman Beralkohol Cap Tikus Melantai di BEI, Ini Profil Perusahaan dan Komisaris Utamanya

Produsen minuman beralkohol merek Cap Tikus, PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk., resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan kode emiten BEER, Jumat, 6 Januari 2023. Seperti apa profil usaha dan siapa saja komisaris yang berada di balik perusahaan yang memproduksi tersebut? 

Jobubu Jarum Minahasa  menyerap dana IPO (Initial Public Offering) sebesar Rp 176 miliar. Dari hasil IPO-nya, BEER mencatatkan oversubscribed atau kelebihan permintaan sebanyak 20 kali. Dengan harga Rp 220 per saham, BEER akan menyerap dana IPO sebanyak Rp 176 miliar.

Menurut data prospektusnya, perusahaan akan melepaskan paling banyak 800 juta lembar saham baru dari portepel. Jumlah ini setara 20 persen total sahamnya. 

Dengan melakukan IPO, publik atau masyarakat umum dapat memiliki 20 persen saham PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa. Sementara 80 persen saham PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk. dimiliki oleh PT Maju Minuman Minahasa.

Menurut data prospektusnya, perusahaan akan melepaskan paling banyak 800 juta lembar saham baru dari portepel. Jumlah ini setara 20 persen total sahamnya. 

Dengan melakukan IPO, publik atau masyarakat umum dapat memiliki 20 persen saham PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa. Sementara 80 persen saham PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk. dimiliki oleh PT Maju Minuman Minahasa.

Cap Tikus produksi mereka juga telah mendapatkan izin resmi. Selain Cap Tikus, produk produksi Jobubu Jarum Minahasa lainnya adalah Soju. 

Guna memproduksi Soju dengan kualitas terbaik, perusahaan ini mengundang Korean Soju Grand Master sebagai Advisor dalam memastikan kualitas Soju produksi mereka.

Profil Nico Lieke

Berdasar laman resmi perusahaan, Komisaris Utama produsen Cap Tikus ini adalah Nico Lieke. Dia merupakan tokoh yang tidak asing bagi pegiat pariwisata di Sulawesi Utara. Nico menjabat Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara sejak 2017.

Sebagai salah satu pimpinan Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia, ia memperkenalkan manajemen perseroan kepada 9.500 hotel dan 200.000 restoran yang diayomi oleh PHRI.

Nico menyelesaikan pendidikannya di The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat, dengan gelar Bachelor’s Degree (with Honors) pada 1997. Kemudian, dia melanjutkan pendidikannya di Oxford University, Inggris, dengan gelar Master of Business Administration pada 2002. Pada tahun ini, ia menjabat sebagai Ketua Forum Bisnis Alumni Oxford University sedunia.

Nico merupakan ahli Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Rapid Growth, dan Corporate Governance. Masih dalam laman perusahaannya, Nico diklaim sebagai “ahli bedah” perusahaan. Disebutkan, ia berpengalaman menyelamatkan 3 perusahan, meningkatkan kinerja 5 perusahan secara signifikan, dan melakukan merger dan akuisisi 8 perusahaan, termasuk merger dari Bank Mandiri di tahun 1998.

Keahlian Nico dimulai sebagai Konsultan Strategic Management di McKinsey & Company dan Deutsche Bank, London. Selain di Indonesia, Nico pernah bekerja dan memimpin tim di Amerika Serikat (Chicago, Washington D.C.) Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Jepang dan Inggris.

Nico pernah menjabat sebagai Tim Pemenangan His Excellency Abdullah Achmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Nico selaku salah satu pemegang saham sekaligus Ultimate Beneficiary Owner serta Komisaris Utama Perseroan memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan dengan Audy Charles Lieke selaku Direktur Utama Perseroan.

Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturer Cap Tikus Listed on IDX, This is the Company Profile and President Commissioner

The producer of Cap Tikus brand alcoholic beverages, PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk., officially listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the issuer code BEER, Friday, January 6, 2023. What is the business profile and who are the commissioners behind the producing company?


Jobubu Jarum Minahasa absorbed IPO (Initial Public Offering) funds of IDR 176 billion. From the results of its IPO, BEER was oversubscribed or oversubscribed by 20 times. With a price of IDR 220 per share, BEER will absorb IPO funds of IDR 176 billion.


According to the prospectus data, the company will release at most 800 million new shares from the portfolio. This amount is equivalent to 20 percent of its total shares.


By conducting an IPO, the public or the general public can own 20 percent of PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa's shares. Meanwhile, 80 percent of PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk. shares are owned by PT Maju Drink Minahasa.


Meanwhile, Nico Lieke owns 60 percent of PT Maju Drink Minahasa's shares. This makes it have the largest authority in the company that regulates PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa. In addition, Nico has also been appointed as President Commissioner of the Cap Tikus manufacturer.


Profile of PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk


Reporting from the official website of PT Jobubu Jarum Minahasa Tbk, this South Jakarta-based company has the second largest alcohol capacity license in Indonesia.


Jobubu Jarum Minahasa said it had produced 90 million liters of alcoholic beverages per year. Of these, it is divided into three categories, namely:
- Category A (alcohol content 0.1 percent - 5 percent): 45 million liters per year- Category B (alcohol content 5.01 percent - 20 percent): 22.5 million per year- Category C (alcohol content 20.01 percent - 55 percent): 22.5 million per year


One of the products produced is the alcoholic beverage Cap Tikus. Cap Tikus 1978 was launched in 2018 by Jobubu Jarum Minahasa.


Jobubu Jarum Minahasa said, in producing Cap Tikus products they work with 30 thousand palm oil farmers in North Sulawesi. In addition, Cap Tikus also received support from the North Sulawesi Provincial Government.


Their Rat Cap has also received official permission. In addition to Cap Tikus, another product produced by Jobubu Jarum Minahasa is Soju.

In order to produce the highest quality soju, the company invited the Korean Soju Grand Master as an Advisor to ensure the quality of their soju production.


Nico Lieke's Profile


Based on the company's official website, the President Commissioner of this Rat Cap manufacturer is Nico Lieke. He is a familiar figure for tourism activists in North Sulawesi. Nico has served as Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of North Sulawesi Province since 2017.


As one of the leaders of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association, he introduced the company's management to 9,500 hotels and 200,000 restaurants under the patronage of PHRI.


Nico completed his education at The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, United States, with a Bachelor's Degree (with Honors) in 1997. Then, he continued his education at Oxford University, England, with a Master of Business Administration degree in 2002. In this year, he served as Chairman of the Oxford University Alumni Business Forum worldwide.


Nico is an expert in Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Rapid Growth, and Corporate Governance. Still on his company website, Nico is claimed to be the company's "surgeon". He said he had experience in saving 3 companies, significantly improving the performance of 5 companies, and conducting mergers and acquisitions of 8 companies, including the merger of Bank Mandiri in 1998.


Nico's expertise began as a Strategic Management Consultant at McKinsey &; Company and Deutsche Bank, London. In addition to Indonesia, Nico has worked and led teams in the United States (Chicago, Washington D.C.) Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Japan and the United Kingdom.


Nico has served as the Winning Team of His Excellency Abdullah Achmad Badawi as Prime Minister of Malaysia. Nico as one of the shareholders as well as Ultimate Beneficiary Owner and President Commissioner of the Company has a family relationship with Audy Charles Lieke as President Director of the Company.