Jobubu Jarum Minahasa

Tata Kelola


Direksi adalah organ Perseroan yang bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengelolaan Perseroan dengan senantiasa memperhatikan kepentingan dan tujuan Perseroan dan unit usaha serta mempertimbangkan kepentingan para pemegang saham dan seluruh stakeholder. Direksi mewakili perseroan baik di dalam maupun diluar pengadilan sesuai dengan ketentuan anggaran dasar.
Manajemen JJM terdiri dari personel-personel yang berpengalaman dibidangnya, dengan rata-rata diatas 10 tahun menangani keahlian yang khusus dibidangnya.
Dengan komposisi Manajemen sedemikian JJM yakin seluruh aspek yang dibutuhkan untuk berkembangnya Perusahaan dapat secara optimal dipenuhi oleh Jajaran Manajemen JJM.
Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Direksi ditentukan melalui mekanisme RUPS untuk masa jabatan 3 (tiga) tahun, namun tanpa mengurangi hak RUPS untuk dapat memberhentikan anggota Direksi sewaktu-waktu sebelum masa jabatannya berakhir sesuai dengan ketentuan anggaran dasar Perseroan. Anggota Direksi yang masa jabatannya telah berakhir dapat diangkat kembali oleh RUPS.
Setiap anggota Direksi wajib bekerja secara profesional, penuh integritas dan kehati-hatian, independen, serta memiliki pengalaman dan kemampuan untuk menjalankan tugas mengelola perusahaan sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Direksi selalu berada dalam pengawasan dan mendapat pengarahan dari Dewan Komisaris.
Secara umum, tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi adalah:
1. Memimpin dan menjalankan Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan, serta memastikan keberlangsungan Perseroan.
2. Menetapkan visi, misi, rencana kerja, dan strategi Perseroan.
3. Menyusun dan menetapkan kebijakan dasar dan prosedur keuangan, organisasi, SOP, dan SDM, serta sistem teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
4. Memelihara, mengelola, dan mengurus kekayaan Perseroan.
5. Mengajukan usulan dan perubahan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) serta mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaannya.
6. Membentuk sistem pengendalian internal, mempertimbangkan risiko usaha dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan serta menetapkan langkah-langkah yang dapat mengurangi berbagai risiko yang dihadapi oleh Perseroan.
7. Mengembangkan sumber daya yang dimiliki Perseroan dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi.
8. Menyelenggarakan RUPS sesuai dengan anggaran dasar dan ketentuan perundangan yang berlaku.
9. Mengadakan dan menyimpan daftar pemegang saham.
Direksi memiliki wewenang antara lain sebagai berikut:
1. Mewakili dan mengikat Perseroan secara hukum dengan pihak ketiga dan pihak ketiga dengan Perseroan.
2. Mewakili Perseroan di dalam dan di luar pengadilan.
3. Menjalankan segala tindakan baik yang terkait kepengurusan maupun kepemilikan dengan sejumlah pembatasan.
4. Menyelenggarakan rapat Direksi setiap kali dianggap perlu oleh seorang atau lebih anggota Direksi.
5. Mengadakan RUPS Tahunan dan Luar Biasa sesuai dengan anggaran dasar dan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku.
6. Menyusun laporan keuangan berkala dan laporan tahunan Perseroan sebagai wujud pertanggungjawaban atas kepengurusan Perseroan.
7. Menyusun struktur organisasi Perseroan.
Pengalaman Beliau ialah sebagai pemimpin di perusahan-perusahan yang memerlukan kemampuan sosial yang tinggi, seperti di industri kelapa sawit (2011), pertambangan bauksit (2012) dan pertambangan emas (2013). Beliau berpengalaman menjalin dukungan dari lembaga-lembaga masyarakat.
Dalam mengembangkan Persero sebagai Direktur Utama, beliau mengedepankan Human Factor, dengan memastikan tiga pilar kultur utama: Kekeluargaan, Kebahagiaan Bersama (Jobubu Joyful Family) dan Kinerja Berkelas Dunia (World-Class Performance).
Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPRD) di Kota Manado (2009-2014), calon Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (2014), serta Ketua Tim Kampanye Calon Wakil Presiden Sandiaga Uno (saat ini Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif) di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (2019).
Beliau menyelesaikan Pendidikan di bidang Management dengan gelar Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) di California State University di Northridge, California, USA (2006), dan juga menerima gelar Master of Science dari Universitas Indonesia (2022).
Beliau selaku salah satu Direktur Utama Perseroan memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan dengan Nico Lieke selaku pemegang saham sekaligus Ultimate Beneficiary Owner serta Komisaris Utama Perseroan. Selain dari pada itu, Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan Afiliasi dengan (i) anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan lainnya; (ii) anggota Direksi Perseroan; maupun (iii) pemegang saham Perseroan.
Saat ini Beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Perseroan dengan tanggung jawab membawahi Departemen penjualan dan bisnis.
Dalam jabatan sebagai Direktur Perseroan, portfolio Beliau meliputi hubungan pemerintahan dan antar lembaga, pembinaan kultur dan personalia, legal dan perizinan. Beliau telah berpengalaman 20 tahun di industri minuman beralkohol termasuk di beberapa perusahan multi nasional.
Saat ini Beliau juga menjabat posisi penting sebagai
Sekretaris Jenderal APINDO (Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (2022-sekarang).
Sekretaris Jenderal PHRI (Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.
Sekretaris Jenderal Keluarga Alumni Universitas Pancasila (KAUP; 20-17-2022).
Beliau menyelesaikan Pendidikan di bidang Teknik Mesin dan Industri dengan gelar Sarjana Teknik di Universitas Pancasila. Beliau juga merupakan lulusan Taplai Lemhannas RI (Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional Republik Indonesia).
Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan Afiliasi dengan (i) anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan lainnya; (ii) anggota Direksi Perseroan; maupun (iii) pemegang saham Perseroan.
Board of Directors Charter dapat diunduh di halaman ini atau di lihat secara online



The Board of Directors is the organ of the Company that is fully responsible for the management of the Company by always paying attention to the interests and objectives of the Company and its business units as well as considering the interests of the shareholders and all stakeholders. The Board of Directors represents the company both inside and outside the court in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association.
JJM management consists of experienced personnel in their fields, with an average of more than 10 years handling special expertise in their fields.
With such a composition of Management, JJM believes that all aspects needed for the development of the Company can be optimally met by the JJM Management.
The appointment and dismissal of the Board of Directors is determined through the GMS mechanism for a term of office of 3 (three) years, but without prejudice to the rights of the GMS to be able to dismiss members of the Board of Directors at any time before their term of office ends in accordance with the provisions of the Company's articles of association. Members of the Board of Directors whose term of office has expired may be reappointed by the GMS.
Each member of the Board of Directors must work professionally, with integrity and prudence, be independent, and have the experience and ability to carry out the task of managing the company in accordance with their respective fields. In carrying out their duties, the Board of Directors is always under the supervision and direction of the Board of Commissioners.
In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors are:
1. Lead and run the Company in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Company, and ensure the sustainability of the Company.
2. Determine the vision, mission, work plan, and strategy of the Company.
3. Develop and establish basic policies and procedures for finance, organization, SOPs, and human resources, as well as information and communication technology systems.
4. Maintain, manage, and manage the Company's assets.
5. Submit proposals and changes to the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) and coordinate their implementation.
6. Establish an internal control system, consider business risks in every decision making and determine steps that can reduce various risks faced by the Company.
7. Develop the Company's resources in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency.
8. Organizing the GMS in accordance with the articles of association and the prevailing laws and regulations.
9. Organize and maintain a list of shareholders.
The Board of Directors has the following authorities:
1. Represent and legally bind the Company with third parties and third parties with the Company.
2. Representing the Company inside and outside the court.
3. Carry out all actions both related to management and ownership with a number of restrictions.
4. Holding a meeting of the Board of Directors whenever deemed necessary by one or more members of the Board of Directors.
5. Held the Annual and Extraordinary GMS in accordance with the articles of association and applicable laws and regulations.
6. Prepare periodic financial reports and annual reports of the Company as a form of accountability for the management of the Company.
7. Develop the organizational structure of the Company.
His experience is as a leader in companies that require high social skills, such as in the palm oil industry (2011), bauxite mining (2012) and gold mining (2013). He has experience in building support from community institutions.
In developing the Company as the President Director, he prioritizes the Human Factor, by ensuring three main cultural pillars: Family, Shared Happiness (Jobubu Joyful Family) and World-Class Performance (World-Class Performance).
He has served as Member of the People's Representative Council (DPRD) in Manado City (2009-2014), candidate for the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (2014), as well as Head of the Campaign Team for Vice President Candidate Sandiaga Uno (currently Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy) in the Province of North Sulawesi (2019).
He completed his Education in Management with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at California State University in Northridge, California, USA (2006), and also received a Master of Science degree from the University of Indonesia (2022).
He as one of the President Directors of the Company has a family relationship with Nico Lieke as the shareholder as well as the Ultimate Beneficiary Owner and the President Commissioner of the Company. Apart from that, he has no affiliation with (i) other members of the Company's Board of Commissioners; (ii) members of the Company's Board of Directors; and (iii) the Company's shareholders.
He currently serves as Director of the Company with responsibility for the Sales and Business Department.
In his position as Director of the Company, his portfolio includes government and inter-institutional relations, culture and personnel development, legal and licensing. He has 20 years of experience in the alcoholic beverage industry, including in several multinational companies.
Currently, he also holds important positions as
Secretary General of APINDO (Indonesian Employers Association) North Sulawesi Province (2022-present).
Secretary General of PHRI (Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association) North Sulawesi Province.
Secretary General of the Pancasila University Alumni Family (KAUP; 20-17-2022).
He completed his education in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering at Pancasila University. He is also a graduate of Taplai Lemhannas RI (National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia).
He has no affiliation with (i) other members of the Company's Board of Commissioners; (ii) members of the Company's Board of Directors; and (iii) the Company's shareholders.
The Board of Directors Charter can be downloaded on this page or viewed online